I’m the One That’s Cool

Showing up on the GeekandSundry YouTube Channel is The Guild stars doing what they do best, singing and dancing. Check out this awesome video. It will make you smile.

Felicia Day also has a vlog she calls her flog. She hopes amuses us, but even if it doesn’t, she is still going to do it. ::smiles:: In this episode she learns Blacksmithing, for realzies.

But the big draw is the website’s Table Top episodes, the first one made its way onto the site today. It is a 30 minute webisode about gamers hosted by Wil Wheaton. Around the table are known geek celebs who play a table top game. The first episode is about a game, Small World, which is like a fantastical Risk.

OK. Never been a big fan of Risk. I’m going to go back and watch Felicia Day blacksmithing. This channel has a little bit of goodness for everyone. Subscribe and enjoy!

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