Nodds & Nends: Videos Galore and a Fringe Poster

Florence + The Machine song to a mash up with deviantArt illustrations. Ahhh, two of my favorite things.

Avenger criticisms with humor. I liked the Avengers, I did, but I have to agree with all of this quibbles. Plus, it’s hilarious. So watch it. [via]

The month of September has been a month of stress. Between doctors visits and interviews I’m pretty much walking around with knots in my neck. Last night it all kind of culminated in a crying jag. OK, not kind of. It did. And then I caught up on the new season of New Girl and I laughed so hard I was holding my rib cage and crying. A show that makes fun of time traveling while making you want to actually believe in time travel and which mentions LotR in conversation is my kind of show. Here’s a bit of it for you to enjoy also. [via]

Andy Serkis reads The Hobbit. Comments not necessary. [via]

Fringe hits the airwaves this Friday. I can. not. wait. BAHHHHHHHH [via]

And the poster.