Daily Dose of Doctor Who

Some great internet finds of the week revolve around Doctor Who. What can I say, I said up front I’m a huge fan girl. 😀


Chair with a Panda on It, is a lovely wordpress blog about Doctor Who stories. Check it out!

The Bakery at the End of the Universe, by the Baker Who Waited, is all about food and Doctor Who and other things nerdy. Check out some yummy looking macaroons while gazing on Daleks.

Matt Smith got to carry the Olympic Torch. Lucky man!

Here is a delicious Doctor Who mini episode about the 2012 Olympics. Quite delightful! [via]

5 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Doctor Who

  1. Thank you for linking to my blog! I really enjoyed watching that short too. The children who wrote it did a wonderful job. 🙂

  2. Pingback: TV in Review: Doctor Who, “The Lazarus Experiment” « polentical

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